
Personal Empowerment, Why it Matters

On Saturday, Feb 9, I conducted a personal empowerment workshop in New York City. It was a morning of sharing the triumphs, challenges, and success stories of professional Latinas. The theme of the workshop focused on Personal Empowerment.

  • Personal empowerment is a collection of beliefs, actions and skills all working together to help you live a life that you design.
  • Personal empowerment begins with two things a bit of self-awareness and positive mindset. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to have a positive but realistic view of yourself.
    • The awareness that’s required includes your values and your goals. To be empowered you have to know what you want and why.
    • A positive mindset and a belief in yourself.
  • You need to be ready, willing, and able to go after what you want. You can set goals, plan, and learn for years…but if you don’t take action, nothing happens.

Why it Matters: Personal empowerment comes down to belief in yourself, and follow-through. If you don’t feel empowered to direct and control your life, it can get away from you.

Is your life what you imagined it would be? Or has life gotten in the way of your goals?

Did you know that nothing changes unless you change it? If you want to live the life you imagine that you can live, then you have to be the one in control. No matter what you are seeking – it can only happen if you do something about it.

You can live your life – Take control of your life and Your life will be what you imagined it would and could be


Your life can live you –  You’ll continue to be a victim of circumstances not living the life that you really want.

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