Write to Inspire, Uplift, and Encourage Through My Words

Who Says You Cannot Climb the Corporate Ladder? Your Boss, Coworkers, Jealous Peers?

Has your career turned into a job? Do you ever sit and wonder what ever happened to your career? Where and when did you get off track? How do you revive your career after it has derailed? In this book, author Blanca De La Rosa details and reveals what she has learned after thirty-four years in the corporate environment. If you want to get your career back on track, empower yourself so that you can create an amazing career. Empowering yourself and using a holistic approach will help distinguish you from the competition and demonstrate to your organization how you can positively impact the bottom line. Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career contains a wealth of information about personal career mistakes and is invaluable to anyone that dreams of building a successful career. This book incorporates personal stories and strategies for overcoming adversity in the workplace.

You will discover how to assess the journey of your career, how to manage a bad manager, how to deal with career failure, and how to develop a career road map with uplifting and inspiring advice. The Author offers a fresh approach on climbing the corporate ladder by combining practical, commonsense advice with inner wisdom and providing strategies to increase the chances of success in the workplace. “In the aptly titled, “Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career”, the author offers helpful advice from her 34-year career. In this resourceful book, the author is refreshingly transparent about her own mistakes, encouraging others to learn from theirs. Recommended for employees needing guidance in navigating the corporate maze.” — BookBub Review “This valuable book of insights can be used by anyone, in any job, at any level, who is striving to get ahead.” — New England Book Festival

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Available in both English and Spanish editions

English Version

Spanish Version

A Holistic Approach to Your Career

The informal education of navigating the work environment happens on the job by trial and error. In “A Holistic Approach to Your Career”, the author shares the hard-earned wisdom and experience of a forty-one-year professional career—detailing attributes, skills, and action steps which she considers essential to career success and better positioning yourself for that next career move.

You will discover how to navigate the work environment, manage a bad manager, deal with career failure, develop a career road map, assess the journey of your career, the importance of self-empowerment and what it means to take a holistic approach to your career with uplifting and inspiring advice. The book incorporates personal stories and strategies for overcoming adversity in the workplace, recommended for those that need guidance and advice on how to advance their careers and move on after career failure or dealing with a bad, ineffective manager.

“A Holistic Approach to Your Career” is an invaluable tool, recommended for recent graduates and new employees that lack direction and need guidance in navigating their work environment, providing guidance that they may not have gotten during their formal education.

In this resourceful book, the author is refreshingly transparent about her own mistakes, encouraging others to learn from them by offering a fresh approach to climbing the corporate ladder combining practical, commonsense advice with inner wisdom and providing strategies to increase the chances of success in the workplace.

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Pursuing a Better Tomorrow

What would you give up today for a better tomorrow? Many give up the only world they know in pursuit of a brighter future.

Spanning over a century, “Pursuing a Better Tomorrow” is more than a memoir of three generations: it’s an inspiring cross-generational journey from Spain to the U.S.

Four interconnected stories focus on main characters from different eras, illustrating the challenges and opportunities of immigration, acculturation, coming of age, and self-discovery. The characters showcase the strength needed to achieve a better tomorrow, shaped by the twists, turns, and synchronistic events of their lives.

The novel transports readers to a time long forgotten, offering a readable historical overview of the Taíno, the conquistadors, early settlers, the Spanish Empire, and the Dominican Republic, interspersed within the narrative through the perspectives of the era’s characters.

De La Rosa candidly shares her coming-of-age story of self-discovery as she transitions from New York City’s projects to corporate America. From humble beginnings, despite myriad challenges, a life of untold blessings and opportunities unfolds.

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Available in both English and Spanish editions

English Version

En busca de un mañana mejor

¿A qué renunciarías hoy por un mañana mejor? Muchas personas renuncian al único mundo que conocen en busca de un mañana mejor.

Abarcando más de cien años, En busca de un mañana mejor no es solo una autobiografía que relata la historia de tres generaciones, sino más bien un inspirador viaje intergeneracional desde España hasta los Estados Unidos. Cuatro historias interconectadas se centran en uno de los personajes principales de una era determinada. Sus historias personales ilustran los desafíos y las oportunidades de la inmigración, la aculturación, la mayoría de edad y el autodescubrimiento a través del crecimiento psicológico y moral de los personajes. Los personajes retratan la fuerza de carácter necesaria para lograr un mañana mejor dados los giros, vueltas y eventos sincrónicos que dieron forma a sus vidas.

La novela transporta al lector a una época olvidada hace mucho tiempo con una descripción histórica legible de los taínos, los conquistadores, los primeros colonos, el Imperio español y la República Dominicana, intercalados dentro de la narrativa a través de la perspectiva del personaje de la época.

De La Rosa comparte con franqueza su historia de madurez y autodescubrimiento mientras pasaba de los proyectos de la ciudad de Nueva York al mundo empresarial estadounidense, y detalla su recorrido personal y profesional. Desde sus humildes comienzos (y a pesar de una gran cantidad de desafíos), se desarrolló una vida de bendiciones y oportunidades incalculables.

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Who Says You Cannot Climb the Corporate Ladder?

Your Boss, Coworkers, Jealous Peers?

Has your career turned into a job? Do you ever sit and wonder what ever happened to your career? Where and when did you get off track? How do you revive your career after it has derailed? In this book, author Blanca De La Rosa details and reveals what she has learned after thirty-four years in the corporate environment. If you want to get your career back on track, empower yourself so that you can create an amazing career. Empowering yourself and using a holistic approach will help distinguish you from the competition and demonstrate to your organization how you can positively impact the bottom line. Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career contains a wealth of information about personal career mistakes and is invaluable to anyone that dreams of building a successful career. This book incorporates personal stories and strategies for overcoming adversity in the workplace.

A Holistic Approach to Your Career

The informal education of navigating the work environment happens on the job by trial and error.

In “A Holistic Approach to Your Career”, the author shares the hard-earned wisdom and experience of a forty-one-year professional career—detailing attributes, skills, and action steps which she considers essential to career success and better positioning yourself for that next career move.

You will discover how to navigate the work environment, manage a bad manager, deal with career failure, develop a career road map, assess the journey of your career, the importance of self-empowerment and what it means to take a holistic approach to your career with uplifting and inspiring advice. The book incorporates personal stories and strategies for overcoming adversity in the workplace, recommended for those that need guidance and advice on how to advance their careers and move on after career failure or dealing with a bad, ineffective manager.

“A Holistic Approach to Your Career” is an invaluable tool, recommended for recent graduates and new employees that lack direction and need guidance in navigating their work environment, providing guidance that they may not have gotten during their formal education.

In this resourceful book, the author is refreshingly transparent about her own mistakes, encouraging others to learn from them by offering a fresh approach to climbing the corporate ladder combining practical, commonsense advice with inner wisdom and providing strategies to increase the chances of success in the workplace.

About the book

The Story

“Pursuing a Better Tomorrow” follows four interconnected short stories spanning more than 100 years. Each story focuses on one the main characters in their respective era as they deal with a myriad of hardships associated with immigration — painting a vivid picture of the struggle to assimilate, the sense of displacement, and the confusion of identity.

Pursuing a Better Tomorrow is not just a novel that portrays the history of three generations, but rather an inspiring cross-generational journey from Spain to the US. It details a historical overview and the ideologies of each era where the characters portray the strength of character required to achieve a better tomorrow given the twists, turns, and synchronistic events that shaped their lives.

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