You are an individual, and there is no one else exactly like you. Your personal attributes are the things that distinguish and set you apart from others. Leverage your personal style, values, and talents, and don’t be shy about self-promoting them. Toot your own horn. This is certainly not bragging; it is marketing this product called You.
Identify your unique and transferable skills and strengths. Define and refine your personal brand so that you can enhance your marketability. Find a way to differentiate yourself and stand out from the competition.
Be your own campaign manager, and promote your most marketable and transferable skills, experiences, and expertise. You are in the best position to manage this campaign; if not you, then who? You know what you have to offer, what you bring to the table, so showcase it whenever you have the opportunity. Because not only is it essential for you to get to know people, but people need to get to know you.