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Pinnacle Award Winner Summer 2019
Pursuing a Better Tomorrow has been chosen one of the NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winners in the Memoir Category.
Pursuing a Better Tomorrow
AVAILABLE AT BALBOA PRESS BOOKSTORE: What would you give up today for a better tomorrow? Many individuals give up the only world they know in pursuit
Pursuing a Better Tomorrow
What would you give up today for a better tomorrow? Would you risk your life in pursuit of a better tomorrow? Many individuals give up

Personal Empowerment, Why it Matters
On Saturday, Feb 9, I conducted a personal empowerment workshop in New York City. It was a morning of sharing the triumphs, challenges, and success
Differentiate Yourself from the Competition
You are an individual, and there is no one else exactly like you. Your personal attributes are the things that distinguish and set you apart
Let’s Honor Our Different Cultures
It can be extremely difficult to stay positive and believe in a better tomorrow with all of the naysayers predicting and projecting the imminent demise
Body Language
Did you know that body language makes up between 60-90% of your daily responses. Whether you’re aware of it or not, when you interact with
Project Confidence
Be presumptuous enough to believe that you are just as good as, as smart as, or better than those around you and that you have
About the Author
Blanca De La Rosa was born in the Dominica Republic and raised in New York City’s public housing – The Projects during the time before