Top 10 Requirements for a Successful Career – Taking a Holistic Approach

Upward mobility in any organization requires that you take a holistic approach to your career. A college education will get you hired, but getting ahead requires that you are well-rounded. Based on my 34 years in corporate America, I found the ten most critical areas to focus on when taking a holistic approach to your career. My top-ten items are not listed in order of importance, is in no way meant to be all-inclusive, and may vary depending on your background and industry.

  1. Master Your Current Assignment – If you master your current assignment, it is likely that management will have confidence in your ability to achieve more. Builds credibility.  Focus on the now, on what is right in front of you by mastering your current assignment and building and capitalizing on the knowledge of the previous one.
  2. Go Above & Beyond – Go above and beyond your current assignment by taking the initiative to volunteer even if no one asks you to do so. Always give people what they need, not just what the job description says your deliverable is. Think beyond the surface; think of the future benefits you can derive from helping others achieve their goals.
  3. Continuous Learning – Stay on top of what is going on in your industry and understand how it can be affected by legislation, local events, or other world matters. Learning a new skill, technology, or process related to your industry—makes you smarter and increases your value as a person and an employee. Continuous learning is one of the best ways to further your career growth. No matter what stage of your career you are at, never stop learning.
  4. Communication Skills – Your career survival and competitiveness can depend on your ability to communicate effectively. Develop both your verbal and written communication abilities. An effective communicator has the power of persuasion and can influence and guide the decision-maker. Excellent communication skills are priceless as you negotiate on your own behalf or when representing your company.
  5. Leadership – Leadership is not defined by your job title, and it is certainly not limited to your boss or senior management. If you aspire to have a formal leadership position within your organization, you should start developing, refining, and defining your leadership style immediately. Look for opportunities within your day-to-day activities to develop and exhibit your leadership skills.
  6. Mentor – No matter the stage of your career, You will often need someone to help you navigate your work environment and point out the land mines. These should be people that you know honestly believe in you and your abilities; and will be willing to help you navigate some of the challenges you may encounter in the workplace. Mentoring offers an opportunity to establish an informal one-on-one environment for coaching and feedback.
  7. Network – If you are serious about your career, you have to learn how to network. You have to get out there and meet people. These people may have networks of their own that you can tap into to help you reach your career goals.  Get to know people, so people can get to know you. Networking takes time and effort, but it is well worth the benefits you may derive.
  8. Distinguish Yourself – Identify your unique and transferable skills and strengths. Define and refine your personal brand so that you can enhance your marketability. Your personal attributes are the things that distinguish and set you apart from your competition. Leverage your personal style, values, and talents, and don’t be shy about self-promoting them. Toot your own horn.  This is certainly not bragging; it is marketing this product called You. Be your own campaign manager, and promote your most marketable and transferable skills, experiences, and expertise. You are in the best position to manage this campaign; if not you, then who?
  9. Get off the Fence – Decisiveness is an essential aspect of getting ahead. Decisive people are respected and tend to get promoted. They stay cool and calm under pressure. They take charge during a crisis and usually have a plan which they execute with purpose and direction.
  10. Project Confidence – Self-confidence is a belief in oneself, one’s abilities, or one’s judgment. It is freedom from doubt. When you believe you can change things, or make a difference in a situation, you are much more likely to succeed. Be presumptuous enough to believe that you are just as good as, as smart as, or better than those around you and that you have a significant contribution to make.

Succeeding in business requires a complete package that takes more than just a degree. A formal education is your ticket in the door, but once you are in, you have to prove and distinguish yourself from the competition. You have to be able to demonstrate that you can contribute to the company’s bottom line. Your experiences, skills, and abilities need to be varied and balanced. You need to understand and abide by those unwritten and unspoken rules and regulations that are part of the corporate environment and that are required in order to get ahead. ideused1 \ls

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