When was the last time you remember that feeling of unity, camaraderie, that sense of national purpose, and love for your fellow American? For me the last time I recall that sense of national purpose was in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on our country.
It can be extremely difficult to stay positive and believe in a better tomorrow in the midst of a pandemic, economic crisis, people getting evicted from their homes, and on food lines. The despair of minorities and the poor as they try to navigate these social issues make the need for solutions urgent. But our elected officials ignore the problem and refuse to compromise on policies that would benefit the American people during one of the most challenging times in the U.S. Instead they choose to act like obnoxious cliquish teens. It is no wonder that Americans have lost faith in their government.
Our elected officials give us no hope that we can move the U.S. forward as a ‘united states’ in the currently toxic political environment where there are stark divisions between the left and the right and in the midst of a modern-day civil war. If there is hope for Americans to move forward from this toxic environment, it will have to start with our politicians as they set the tone for the American people.
Even as we face these immediate challenges, systemic Racism is still the foremost challenge confronting our nation. The United States is a nation that was founded on immigration and includes people from all over the world. However, in the last four years we have witnessed the resurgence of divisive racial attitudes and a marked increase in racial incidents with some politicians stoking racial tensions while others just stand by like deer caught in a headlight.
The undeniable fact of the matter is that there is a demographic shift that will have a monumental impact on business, politics, consumer markets, and workforce, to name a few. The future of the U.S. and its competitiveness is intrinsically woven into the fate of the minority population, which will be the new majority.
The America of today is multi-racial and the cultural influence from the various ethnic groups is felt from shore to shore. To envision an America untouched by these ethnic groups is to imagine a country without much of its folklore and many of its achievements. Woven into many facets of our nation’s history are the contributions of these ethnic groups to the development and success of America.
The truth of the matter is that our nation will never go back to being the America of the 60s. There is simply no going back as that chapter in our Nation’s history has closed. Unfortunately, some cultures have used their longevity in the U.S. as an excuse to exclude and discriminate against others. These same groups refuse to acknowledge systemic racism and are resisting the changes that our nation is undergoing.
As a nation, we have to be willing to embrace new beginnings and accept the fact that the face of our nation is changing. Just like when we get married or a child is born, or a loved one passes away, we know that our lives will change in a dramatic way, that our lives will never be the same again. These major turning points represent a point of no return and they occur when we have come to the end of the old and are on the cusp of a new chapter in our lives.
We need to come together as Americans to position our country to be successful and to have a competitive edge in the international arena. The U.S. will need a highly educated population in order to effectively compete in the global economy and the changes required are not only in public policy, immigration policy, urban economic vitality, national education system, but also in how we develop and raise our children to become the future leaders that this nation will undoubtedly need. This will require pursing an integrated set of solutions that address the underachievement of minorities and how to better prepare our youth to take the leadership of this country.
There were people who paved the way and helped lay the groundwork for us, and now it’s our turn to do the same for the next generation. You can serve as role model and mentor to empower young people to be the kind of leaders we need for the success and viability of our nation. We have a rare opportunity to help shape the future paths of some incredible youth from diverse backgrounds. With guidance and the right education, today’s youth will be equipped to help solve America’s and the world’s biggest challenges.
The multi-racial facet of America is what is going to give us a competitive advantage in the global market. Americans will be able to put forth a Latinx American, Asian American, African American, Muslim American, and any other ethnic background that can speak the language and understands the culture of each and every market around the world.
Did you know that the motto of the United States is E Pluribus Unum? A Latin term meaning ‘out of many, one’. As such, systemic racism betrays that motto and as Americans we cannot continue to harbor prejudice against any racial or ethnic group without betraying our country. Any form of racism is an affront to human dignity that causes hatred and division. It is a disease that can devastate and destroy a society.
While every race has its unique culture, beliefs, and quirkiness, all aspire to the same things in life. They all want to live life to its fullest in peace, prosper, succeed, and have a family. These basic needs far outweigh the individual differences in each culture.
Let’s honor our different cultures, celebrate our unity as Americans, and meet on common ground. Let’s take the best that each culture has to offer and create the perfect American culture, like the perfect sauce with the finest ingredients.
E Pluribus Unum – ‘Out of many, one’.